Saturday, February 13, 2016

My First Baby

Dearest Cecelia... My first baby,

I took you to dance class last weekend where you got your dance costume for the recital in April. I got to help which means I got to stay and watch you dance. This is what I saw...

I think I blinked. How did you get so old, so fast? Seven. It is humbling to watch your baby grow to be such a wonderful young lady. It is so fun to watch you continue to learn about the world around you. You suck up knowledge like a sponge. We went to Educator Night at the museum last night. There we saw the updated Streets of Old Milwaukee. You were in awe. 

You also explained all about where the mouth and teeth are on a squid as we gazed at the giant squid on the ceiling. You devour non-fiction. I see the spark in your eye as you learn something new.

Yesterday on my facebook two old pictures popped up. They were both wonderful to see. The most invigorating part of you to watch is what a great big sister you are. This was confirmed yesterday.
 February 12, 2012- reading books to your baby brother.
February 12, 2015- love at first sight. Meeting your baby sister.

You are kind, gentle, compassionate and thoughtful. Your heart aches as mine does watching Charlotte grow so fast. At the same time, I can't wait for Charlotte to join you and your brother in your pretend play. Last weekend you and your brother turned a carseat box into a time portal. You are still playing with it this weekend!

It is hard as your mother to watch you begin to learn about the real world. You express fears and apprehensions as you explore life. Some fears I can take away. Others you will learn to navigate as they are unavoidable. I promise I tried to keep you in a bubble for as long as I could. I know you will stay the kind, gentle, compassionate, inquisitive and thoughtful young lady as you begin to learn about life. Your daddy and I will be here. Always.

All my love,

Love letter to Coletyn- here
Love letter to Charlotte- here

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