Sunday, August 2, 2015

Nursing (Lactation) Arnold Palmers!

When waitressing in high school, I learned about Arnold Palmers. If you haven't ever had one, an Arnold Palmer is half iced tea, half lemonade! They are pretty tasty. As baby number three arrived, I wanted to give nursing tea another chance as I couldn't choke it down with baby number two. I try to so what ever I can to keep my supply up as I work and pump. So I thought about trying the nursing tea in an Arnold Palmer. I loved it. I wanted to share my recipe below!

Two lactation tea bags
4 cups water
4 cups lemonade
1 gallon container

Directions: It's as easy as making tea and lemonade! Steep the tea for at least ten minutes or more.

I've been preferring this brand lately. It doesn't taste as bitter as others I've tried.

I like to use an old glass apple juice gallon for keeping my stash.

Make sure to tell the babysitter what is in the fridge. You don't want the 15 year old to be lactating!! Kidding!

In a Mason glass... OF COURSE!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I love Arnold Palmers but nursing tea, not so much...I'm going to give this a try! Thanks. Jeanette
