Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cardinals, Grandparents?

Jason's paternal grand parents both died in the past eight months. As a result, Jason and his uncle have been taking care of business as they are the heirs. We've gotten a few things from their estate that have been great to keep in the family. His grandparents lived on the old family farm up in Green Bay. Most of the land had been parceled off but they resided in the old farm house. They were wonderful people who liked their routine and their birds. They always sent the kids cards for every holiday, even the ones people don't usually give gifts for. The kids loved it. Cecelia even remembers their birds they had. It is odd that she remembers them because we hadn't seen them in their house since Coletyn was a baby. We would often stop and meet them for a meal while driving through Green Bay.

We've also had some visitors for a while. Since early spring, we have had some cardinals in and around our yard. I've always heard that cardinals are someone looking over you. We have NEVER had cardinals in our area before so to see these cardinals shortly after the passing of Jason's grandparents who LOVED birds is pretty comforting. I've since seen the female cardinals as well. I never knew they weren't as read as the males. We want to get a bird feeder in hopes to keep them around!

A few other items from Jason's grandparents in the pictures below.


wagon wheel, bird bath, Eiting sign

three more wagon wheels (wash bins are from a friend)

last wagon wheel
We think all the wagon wheels used to be operational on the family farm. It' really cool to have them!

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