Sunday, December 28, 2014

SIX Years Old...

Cecelia is six!!

As per our routine, she got to pick what she wanted on her cake. She requested a hummingbird on a pink cake. I attempted to turn the pink into a flower but didn't quite turn out!! She didn't care!

Mom had us over for dinner since Cecelia's birthday was on a weekday. Saved this really pregnant lady some work!! Thanks G-ma!

A little helper helped blow out the candles!!

Her school birthday crown.. very cooperative for pictures!

Cozy new pajamas!

The little show stealer, again!

This year Cecelia was begging for a friends birthday party. She took two girl friends to Kids in Motion a few Saturdays ago. Easy, easy party. Let them play. Packed lunches. "Baked" a rice crispy treat cake. Let them play some more. Done!

Cecelia has also been begging for bangs "like mommy" for a few months. We (I) decided to let her give it a go. Sure, add more work to our morning routine to get all of us out of the house... great idea mommy!!

But, I think they turned out pretty cute. They make her look so grown up!

Happy birthday to my baby!! I can't believe how fast it goes...

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