Friday, January 17, 2014


Is it possible to love these kids any more than I do??

I just had to share!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas 2013!

Our Christmas was wonderful. It included...

  • Griswold family Christmas tree. When we pulled into the lot Cecelia said, "Dad, did you bring a saw?" (Christmas Vacation movie quote!)

  • A visit to Santa! This year for the first time, Cecelia was brave enough to sit on his lap. On the second pass, of course after three or four drive byes at the mall to stop and wave!

Cecelia wrapped her own presents and labeled them herself.. so cute!

The one she asked Santa for!

  • Fresh powder!
  • Family!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tasty Christmas!!

Just thought I'd share a post about the yummy recipes that I used this holiday season. I strayed from some of the originals to try some new ones. Some I'll do again, some I won't!!

I was in charge of desserts for Christmas eve at my mom's. I decided to do a nice platter of little treats instead of one big dessert.

My list included:

Raise your hand if you have a sprinkle rack! This mommy does!

I might also have a special decorating box. As Erica would say, I don't mess around!

For Christmas we stayed at home, all day! It was great. We didn't get dressed and the kids could play with their new toys, all day! But we ate well! That's for sure.

  • For breakfast we had Cherry Morning Rolls but I substituted them with two pints of triple berry jam I canned and frozen blueberries from the summer. They were AMAZING!! I prepped them the night before so I just had to throw them in the oven in the morning.
  • We also had fresh squeezed orange juice with our rolls as I picked up a box of oranges from a Tree-Ripe Citrus drop on the 23rd. 
  • For supper we had french onion soup. I found a recipe on pinterest, as usual, but have had little crocks for about ten years that I'd never used. Better late than never! I'd have to say that I should have probably cooked the onions a little longer. They were cooking for about two hours but should have probably gone for three. I also put the soup into a crock pot on Christmas day and since we ate so early, I don't think the soup cooked long enough either. For a first time, it wasn't horrible though! I also may have gotten distracted and burned the french baguettes in the oven. It will be better next time. I made enough beef stock to try a few more times. Yes, I make my own stock!
  • The entree was a stuffed flank steak. It was wonderful!
It was all tasty... every morsel!