Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First, First Day of School!!

We all survived! Barely. Jason had to take Cecelia to her first day of school today. It was hard (for him) but he did a great job. Cecelia on the other hand only had about two tears and was fine! (I'll never get to be at a first day of school.. boo, hoo, hoo!!)

The report from the front says that they read a book "Llama, Llama, I Miss Momma," very fitting! She played, went to the gym, ate her snack and then went to the wrap around care for lunch. After, Jason picked her up. We decided she should consider parts of wrap around school because it is all one place to her and just because we think of them as two separate "places" doesn't mean she has to... so, she stayed today to eat with her friends! We think she loved it. She was playing school already while I was making dinner. She was the teacher, of course. The mini lesson topic was being quiet. Coletyn wasn't cooperating!

Momma hugs as I left for work.

So, "real shopping payer girl"... is she asking for the credit card already?

Her official hook!

Cecelia putting her snack in her cubby!

Lastly, Cecelia has been collecting art work hanging on her clothespin wall since she started zoo school when she turned two. I've also saved a few things along the way. What to do with it all??? We took pictures and I put into a book to keep. I'll probably save a piece or two but then pitch the rest (I have to, there is so much!). I wanted a fresh, empty wall to start school. I am guessing it is something I'll do every year now during the summer to get ready for the next school year. Take a peek by clicking on this link!

I didn't have any tears today, but I didn't drop her off. My turn tomorrow. Wish me luck!! Oy!

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