Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Brother and Sister!

Brother and sister!! Since I knew we were having #2, I've been waiting for the day that Cecelia and Coletyn could "be" brother and sister. I know in two years, when they are fighting, I am going to roll my eyes at this post but...I love watching them interact like siblings. Cecelia is so very patient with him. Coletyn wants to do whatever his "Ya-Ya" is doing. It's precious. We have definitely been having a great summer. 

Cecelia feeding Coletyn and a little singing!

Sharing ice cream at Hoyt. July 2013
Cuddling on pillows!

Cuddling together- kind of!

Reading books in wagon. July 2013
White trash zoo.. Petco. July 2013
Coming home from up-north. Cole fell asleep going
through Zoo Interchange and Cecelia the Hale. So close to home!
Loving Daddy's boat! On Winnebago. July 7, 2013
4th of July Parade 2013

Reading at the library.
Butterflies at the Museum.
Playing on the new patio.

Shopping with mom!
Taking a walk!

Playing with that stupid box, still!

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