Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lemonade Stand/Rummage

"Lemonade, 50 cents!"
Eating lunch on the job.

Cecelia had a lemonade stand at the rummage in mid June. Need I really say more. It was adorable. She lasted about three hours, on and off. She learned many lessons.... patience, handling rejection, accepting compliments, stamina, etc! She made about $8.00. Naturally, my daughter chose to buy a book with her earnings! Starting them young!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dance Recital 2013

Cecelia, 4 year old. Li Lo!

Cecelia at the dance studio in April.  Watch her in the mirror!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

4 and 1 Pictures and Christmas Card 2012

Jason, once again, took the photos for the kids and our christmas card. Here are a couple of sneak peaks. Cecelia turned 4. In her pictures, she is wearing my pointe shoes!! She is also standing on the kitchen table!! Coletyn's pictures meant we had to haul all the furniture out of our living room for Jason to set up the backdrop! The Christmas card was taken on our kitchen table too!!

Birthdays 4 and 1

In the spirit of a new blog, I am attempting to go back and do some update blogging. Coletyn turned 1 on January 7, 2013 and Cecelia turned 4 on December 10, 2012. Yes, I made their cakes. Who planned their kids two weeks before Christmas and two weeks after... stupid, crazy, busy!!

Monday, June 17, 2013


Welcome to the new Eiting Family Blog. This blog was officially started the summer of 2013 when I realized that my old blog and platform were the least user friendly thing out there, hence, my last blog post was Coletyn's 3 month pictures in April 2012! I have captured all the information stored on the old blog. It is in it's own tab(page) linked here or found on the home page.

While realizing that I let more than a year go by, I also realized that I've personally let a year go by. I feel like the stress and anxiety of being a working mom trying to do it all, made me miss Coletyn's first year of life. I know I didn't miss it, but it feels like I did. Thankfully, I am married to a photographer who has captured the major events but I've already forgotten the little things like cuddling outside on the porch swing with Cecelia tonight. Well, this is no more. I am forcing myself to find something to treasure every day (not the laundry, dishes, bills, etc). Something that will really pay myself back for everything that mothers "take care of" on a daily basis. Some of these treasures I will capture on this blog. Some will be captured in my heart. And finally, some will be captured in my memories. But if ever a day goes by that I am feeling it's hard to capture something, I can always come here and find that reminder of why we (mothers) keep going.... enjoy!

Dabbling in the fountains at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Image Yasmin TajikMay 2013